Friday, December 7, 2012

12.21.2012 A Few More Days To Go.

The end of the Mayan Calender is coming in less then 15 days, will it be the end ? or will it be another Y2K fail ?

my take on it is that no one knows when the end will be. It will happen when we lest expect it.

I'm not saying something won't happen that day, it's just that from the things I've seen the last few years we don't have much time left with the way things are going around the world. My understanding is that after that day (21st of December) and everyone moves on that's when something could happen when everyone isn't paying attention it usually happens that way.

It just seems like the beginning of sorrows have begun and were at the very edge of the 7 year Tribulation period beginning.

That being said.

I'm pretty sure he'll be back in my lifetime and I'm 29years old. The key being Israel they have the land back and that was the start (1947). He said the generation that seen them come back would live to see his return and were coming up on 70 years since. The Jewish calendar year currently is 5774.

All I know is that when he does come back. It'll be when we lest expect him.

let's look at all the things that have happened in the last few years.

(list isn't complete as things are still occurring )

  • The water is still turning blood red last place was Australia and still sea animals are dieing en mass world wide.
  • There's been strange sounds heard around the world, mass animal deaths, large destructive earthquakes, rivers and lakes turning red like blood. just to name a few things I've been watching and then Israel especially They are back in the land given to them by God after being exiled for nearly 2000 years.
  • The fact that Damascus, Syria is on the verge of being destroyed is also key in play. 
Here is a recent video that I believe shows how it really is, the strange part to me is how everyone seems to ignore the signs or just doesn't care.
Whether or not you believe, Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
We ALL will stand before him on that day and will have to give an account for our every idle word.
Time is Running Out. 

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